Residual Training Stress™ (RTS™) is an Optimized Training™ metric that quantifies the residual effect of past training sessions on your body based on various session characteristics such as intensity, duration, and frequency, among other factors.
Normalized Training Stress™ (NTS™) is the training stress induced during a specific session and is different from the residual stress that lingers after that session. Training sessions with the same NTS value may impact your RTS values differently based on the nature of the sessions and systems stressed (primarily cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, nervous).
Unlike NTS, which is a session-specific stress metric, RTS is a point-in-time metric comprised of stress from as many as several dozen past training sessions.
RTS is the base stress metric used in determining your RTS7™, Normalized Training Load™ (NTL™), and Performance Readiness™.
Your RTS7 is a 7-day rolling average of your RTS. It is a leading indicator of changes in NTL and impacts your Performance Readiness.
You can track changes in your RTS, RTS7, and NTL on your Fitness, Stress, and Readiness™ (FSR) graph.